Behind the Code

Discussing the Upcoming Technological Transformation of the Endurance Network

When the Endurance network launched in late January, it started as just an application chain. Our team, experienced in traditional gaming, soon realized we had more to offer in the Web3 domain. Being just an application chain wasn’t maximizing our potential, so we shifted towards becoming a public chain to support more games. As a public chain, Endurance’s value extends beyond a single Dapp/GameFi to future developers. For example, its technical specs should meet mainstream developers’ needs over the next decade.

The Birth of Endurance

This is a memo-style article that outlines our decision-making logic behind creating Endurance in its historical context. Due to its length, there aren’t many technical details described. Endurance officially launched on January 31, 2023, as an EVM-compatible Layer1. Before this, we were making cool stuff like NFTs. In 2022, we made three big NFT Collections for our game Fusionist and put them on Ethereum and BNB Chain. We also made a website so people could join in easily.